Jackie Robinson by JACK O'Connor illustrated by Jim Butcher
This book goes into detail about the first african american major league baseball player. The reader is brought into a time where blacks and whites were separated even in sports and introduced to a hero Jackie Robinson who served as an officer in world war 2. Jackie Robinson became the first african american player in the major leagues on April 15, 1947. He is faced with hardships including racial torment by fans, coaches, and even some of his teammates. His resilience is needed if there are to be future players of african american race to play baseball in the major leagues. At first he was pushed to the breaking point, other players intentionally would try and hurt him to show that he was weak, but Jackie prevailed and hit almost .300 for the season and hit the most home runs on the team. Soon, other teams begin to sign negro players and this is the beginning of a new era in baseball. In fact, 14 years after jackie robinson's start in the MLB, all of the professional negro leagues are completely wiped out. This book discusses how Jackie Robinson changed baseball forever as well as providing a brief history of Bud fowler the first African american pro baseball player and the first negro baseball team the Cuban Giants.Along with Jackie Robinson, readers will learn about Bud Fowler, Satchel paige, Judy Johnson, and other key players who started a baseball revolution. This book is set up into short chapters easy for students to read and provides tremendous amount of rich baseball history. This book allows students to learn about a world of baseball that they are unaware of besides the name of Jackie Robinson and provides students with the ability to appreciate the contributions and impacts of the people discussed.


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