
Clink By Kelly Dipucchio, illustrated by Mathew Myers
An old robot named Clink couldn't go a day without parts falling off of him, he figured he would never find a new owner because everyone wanted a new robot not some old worn out one. Clink could play music and make toast but that was nothing compared to what the new robots could do. Clink would try and compete with he new robots but that always ended in disaster, he wasn't programmed to ry when he was the last robot in the store so the water shorted one of his speakers. Then one day a young frequent customer searched for a new robot, non e of them fit his wants and needs except Clink, who decided to play a nice classic song in which the boy was interested in. This seemed to end in disaster when one of Clinks rusty springs shot out and hit the young boy square in the forehead. As the shopkeeper was taking Clink tot he trash, the boy saved Clink by saying he was just what he has been looking for. The story ends when Milton, the young boy took Clink home and fixed him up. This story can teach a couple of different lessons, one is that you should never give up no matter how bad things are looking. Another, is that you never know who is watching or around the corner so be prepared and always be yourself. This book was very interesting, it kept me engaged as I was constantly wondering what was going to happen next or find out what new trick the new robots would come up with next. Kids would enjoy this book and still be able to take something positive from it, I suggest reading it to children in grades kindergarten through third grade. I would like to see students guess what will come next and test their hypothesis.


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