Frog and Toad Together

Frog and Toad Together by Arnold Lobel
This book is separated into five different short stories. The first is "A List" in which the main character Toad woke up and decided to make a list of things to complete during the day. During the day he lost his list and could not retrieve it as the wind blew it away. then his friend Frog reminded him that it was time for bed which happened to be the last thing on the list.
The next story is "The Garden" in which Toad visits Frog's garden and wants to grow his own. After planting the seeds, he becomes impatient and sings, reads, and talks to the seeds in order for them to grow faster. He finally falls asleep and when His friend wakes him up the seeds have started to grow, teaching Toad that it was in fact hard work and that patience was key.
The third story "Cookies" teaches the reader about will power when Toad bakes the best cookies he and Frog have ever and almost devoured all of them. After finally deciding to stop eating, they placed the cookies in the attic and then realize that the cookies would go to wast and that they could easily retrieve the cookies from the attic if they wanted to eat some more. the final solution is to give the cookies to the birds outside who completely finished all the cookies.
The fourth story "Dragons and Giants" where both Toad and Frog are faced with fear such as a snake and a hawk, and boulders chasing them down a hill. Although they are scared they see themselves as having bravery and thank each other for being so brave.
The final story "The Dream" is of Toad having a dream that he is the greatest toad in the world.He plays the piano without flaw, walks on a high wire with ease, and is faced with eh realization that he doesn't want to mistreat his friend Frog and is woken up. All of these stories teach the reader a lesson whether it is bravery, not boasting when successful, or the strength of will power. These stories can be used for grades second through fourth in order to teach students valuable lessons and qualities that modern day heroes and successful people have in common.


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