Ka-ha-si and the Loon an Eskimo Legend

Ka-ha-si and the Loon an Eskimo Legend by Terri Cohlene, illustrated by Charles Reasoner
This book is based off an old Eskimo legend. A young boy Named Kahasi is met every night by a loon. The loon becomes his mentor and makes him aware of his won strength and when he is needed by his people. The boy sleeps all day and is seen as lazy and useless by the entire tribe. Until one day when the hunters couldn't find any food and were faced with starvation. The loon tells Kahasi that he can lead them tot he walruses. So the young boy has the hunters throw him up in the air until he sees the walruses. He leads them to the walruses and kills them single handedly and stacks them into the vessels. Kahasi is seen as a hero and is called upon once again by the loon. The loon tells the young boy that the mountains are attacking his people and need to be pushed back. So Kahasi gets to the mountains and pushes them back to where they belong. Every time the earth trembled his people knew that it was Kahasi shifting the world from one shoulder tot he other. One great thing about this book is that it provides a great tale from the eskimo people and is then followed by a nonfiction section explaining the location, culture, and important dates to the eskimo people. This book is rich with facts and can be used as a research paper source. I would recommend using this book in grades 4-6 based on the level of difficulty and vocabulary used.


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