Love You Forever- Pop Up edition

Love you forever by Robert Munsch, illustrated by Sheila McGraw, paper engineering by Bruce Foster
This Lovely story of a baby growing up is brought to a whole new level with pop ups. The story starts with a mom rocking her baby in a rocking chair followed by a crazy baby making a mess everywhere and even flushing a watch down the toilet. The next seen is of the mom peeking into the baby's crib to check on him sleeping during the night saying that she will love the baby forever and always.  The boy grew to when he was nine years old and had a foul mouth, and din't want to listen, take a bath, and his mother wanting to send him to the zoo. No matter how rotten the boy was , his mother would sneak into his room while he was asleep and pick hm up to rock him back and fourth saying she will love him forever and always. Even when the boy grew into a man, the mom now old would drive across town enter the boys house and rock him while he was asleep. This is kind of creepy when you read it at first , but then you realize that the mother just loves her son forever and always. The sweetest part of the book is when the mother becomes ill, her son picks her up and rocks her while singing that he will lover her forever and always. the pop up book plays a role in this story because while you rock the chair back and fourth it gives you more time to realize the sweetness of the story. The book ends with he boy, now a father holding his new baby saying he will love it forever and always just like his mother did with him.


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