Theres A Boy In The Girl's Bathroom

Theres A Boy In The Girl's Bathroom by Louis Sachar won the 1990 bluebonnet award. This novel is about a boy named Bradley Chalkers and what he does in school. This is the students who sits int he back of the class and acts up all class. He finds a strange sense of pride when he fails everything without having to give any effort. He meets and becomes friends with he new kid in the classroom, in fact he is Bradley's only friend. Carla is the school counselor and she goes against every teacher's rules the boys have ever had before, she has no rules. Bradley has a problem lying and has the habit of saying "call so and so if you don't believe me" in order to gain credibility. Bradley is a lonely child and has little figures in which he plays with and creates scenes and conversations with to act out at home. Carla has faith in Bradley that he can change but Bradley feels as if Carla betrays him and begins to ruin the only positive relationship he has with a non family member. Bradley begins to come back around and try to be good for Carla. He finds it easier to be bad and disobey the rules rather than do what he knows is right. He would do his homework and rip it up before he would turn it in and find joy and relief from it. Bradley throughout the book develops into a better behaved person not only for Carla but for himself as well. This book serves the purpose of showing the reader the value of teachers who actually care about their students and he impact they can make even on the worst students. This book was not as engaging as some of the other Louis Sachar books I have read, it had times where there was relatively little going on and I found myself becoming uninterested. In the end I am glad I read the book, as a future teacher it makes feel as if i have a more important role than I had originally thought and restores my faith that I am in the profession I should be in. I suggest this book for anyone looking for a character development novel or any educator.


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