What Is A Cat? by Bobbie Kalman, illustrated by Barbara Bedell, Tammy Everts, Margaret Reiach, and Bonna Rouse.
This engaging book delivers readers with knowledge about the different types of cats, the behaviors of cats, lifestyles of both domestic indwelled cats, as well as introduce cats that are in danger of extinction. The photographs and illustrations give this book a very engaging feeling, the reader becomes encapsulated within the book and wants to keep turning the pages. The book starts off by teaching about mamma;s, breeds, domestic cats, and what pitmans to be warm blooded. The book then sails into big cats where it teaches how big cats stalk and hunt their prey with extravagant photographs of wild cheetahs, leopards, and lions hunting their prey while comparing and contrasting their methods and techniques.next up are the small cats which include the clouded leopard and the Temminck's cat. Although these cats look like small versions of their bigger relatives, they are different species and have different behaviors. Next the book explains a cat's anatomy and hat specific traits give the cat the ability to do certain things. Different cat species make different noises including purring, yowling and hissing. The book is then split up into different regions in which the cats are found in such as deserts, grasslands, forests, mountains, and snowy areas. Overall this book gives a tremendous amount of knowledge and facts for any reader. This book can be used for students to do class reports and projects on cats. This book is apart of more than thirty books in The Science of Living Things series by Bobbie Kalman which go over animals and topics including life cycles, animal kingdoms, fish, reptiles, bats, whales, hibernation, and many many others. These books are a great source of facts for research papers and are engaging for readers because of the many detailed images throughout the book.


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